What makes you laugh?

People who think when it comes to fitness and diets the way that works for them is the only way and that if it isn’t ‘optimal’ it’s no good.

The thing is we’re all different, different jobs, lives, bodies, appetites, minds. So whilst something may have worked or not worked for you, that doesn’t mean it will or won’t work for someone else.

Equally, whilst something might be ideal, it isn’t always going to be practical or sustainable. I mean if we did absolutely everything that was optimal we’d never have time or energy or money to do anything away from health and fitness. So in reality you need to pick the things that are most going to benefit you.

To see someone else doing something different from you and assume it’s not going to be as effective or beneficial is short sighted.

Equally going to a PT who suggests all their clients do exactly the same thing in terms of diet and training is probably not going to be effective, as again it doesn’t take into account people’s differences.

For me the confident assertions people make online when they feel like their way is better as if they are experts tends to show their lack of knowledge more than those they comment on.

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