One month on …

A month without a blog post. It’s been a busy month and something had to give. So what have I done since my last post?

Well I visited France, tried Eurostar for the first time (a fan) and last week I ran a half marathon.

Did I feel ready to run? No. Honestly I don’t think I’d prepared enough and I knew it would be hard but wow.

It was hotter than the weather forecast predicted and my knee, even strapped up, didn’t hold out for that long.

For the first 6/7km I thought I was going to be pleased with my time but then the knee really started to hurt. So much so that when the 10km race and half split at 8.5km I really almost turned to finish at 10km.

A very last minute switch back the the half and i limped my way up multiple hills (Birmingham is hilly) and battled cramp right at the end (same point in the race as last year) to eventually get to the end.

Whilst I was really disappointed in myself in terms of time and how I did, I finished it – even when I really didn’t want to and that in itself is a win.

This week I’ve got back to it with a couple of Bootcamps, a strength class and some gym sessions and one small attempt at a run. My knee is still a massive issue but we move.

This week’s mission? Eat less!

Step Back

I got back from Italy 5 days ago, and this week ahs kicked my but.

I was on the go the whole time I was away, so for ten days I was up early (most days by 6am) and walking around for 8 plus hours a day.

It tried to get straight back into my routine, work, classes, running and by Tuesday I hit a wall. I felt so tired it felt like I was actually ill, and although I’ve tried to push through it I realised this morning that actually I need to listen to my body and just ease back in more gently. I have things coming up I want to be prepared for but equally if I don’t listen to my body and end up burning myself out I won’t be ready anyway.

Three big weeks coming up so this weekend is an easy one to get myself ready!

What makes you laugh?

People who think when it comes to fitness and diets the way that works for them is the only way and that if it isn’t ‘optimal’ it’s no good.

The thing is we’re all different, different jobs, lives, bodies, appetites, minds. So whilst something may have worked or not worked for you, that doesn’t mean it will or won’t work for someone else.

Equally, whilst something might be ideal, it isn’t always going to be practical or sustainable. I mean if we did absolutely everything that was optimal we’d never have time or energy or money to do anything away from health and fitness. So in reality you need to pick the things that are most going to benefit you.

To see someone else doing something different from you and assume it’s not going to be as effective or beneficial is short sighted.

Equally going to a PT who suggests all their clients do exactly the same thing in terms of diet and training is probably not going to be effective, as again it doesn’t take into account people’s differences.

For me the confident assertions people make online when they feel like their way is better as if they are experts tends to show their lack of knowledge more than those they comment on.


This week has been a reminder to not try and do everything.

I’ve done a fair bit this week but still feel like I didn’t do as much as I’d have liked. I’m reminding myself though, that I need to listen to my body. Thursday for instance, I was knackered. I’d done a tough Bootcamp and a step class on Wednesday and on Thursday I was fatigued and hungry.

If I’d have tried to push through and do something Thursday I’d have probably ended up even more fatigued today and eventually my body would have forced me to stop. As it was it felt harder at Bootcamp today!

I think I need to realise that it will probably always feel like we could do more, but being sensible, building up and sticking with it will be loads more effective than going hell for leather now and burning out quickly.

Happy International Women’s Day

How to say you don’t understand the concept of International Women’s Day without saying you don’t understand the concept of International Women’s Day? How many examples have you already seen that completely miss the point?

So why do we have a day for women you ask? And in the interest of equality, when’s International Men’s day? Well actually it’s on 19th November, but that’s beside the point. The point is the peak of internet searches asking this question is always International Women’s Day every year, interestingly there isn’t a spike of searches for International Women’s Day on 19th November. M

International Women’s Day is misinterpreted as a bit of a marketing opportunity for businesses, an easy way to look good, a slogan – Happy International Women’s Day, as if it’s Christmas. But it actually has a point to highlight what women have achieved, yes, but also the inequalities that still exist.

On the face of it women in the uk are equal in terms of right, but this is all still pretty new. We’ve had the vote for less than 100 years, it’s been less than 50 years that women have been able to take out a credit card, until the 1970s women were routinely unable to open bank accounts in their own name or get a mortgage.

Even with this so called equality women are routinely paid less than their male counterparts, expected to take on more of the household and family responsibilities alongside work and are less likely to hold senior roles. Despite making up close to half the workforce this is not reflected in most board rooms and in 2013 less than 22% of parliament was women, meaning we are consistently under represented in the decision making process at almost every level. It’s been estimated full equality at the current rate is likely to be some three centuries away.

And though in the UK we are one of the more equal societies, remember this is fragile. This progress is less than a century old and that sort of change can be changed again quite easily. Think about how abortion rights have been eroded in the USA, one of the most powerful countries in the world. Or Afghanistan, where women overnight were stopped from leaving the house alone, wearing what they want or going to school. Away from the UK, there are millions of women who do not have equality or anything close to what we have here.

This is why the day matters and why it shouldn’t be reduced to a slogan or quote or gimmick. It should be a day to ignite uncomfortable conversations, make people think, raise awareness, because for progress to continue to be made we need to know what is needed and why.

Starting again is hard

It’s really hard to start a fitness journey. Getting into good habits and going to the gym for the first time and changing your eating habits is hard. You can be anxious about walking into a class or gym, unsure about how people will react and feel self doubt about whether your doing things right.

What I’m finding out is that starting AGAIN feels even harder and there’s a few reasons for that.

  1. Comparison against what I used to be able to do. Before I gained weight, when I was conditioned to train more often and lift heavier, before my knees made running really hard. Comparing where I am now against where I was pre Covid is demotivating and makes me feel bad about myself.
  2. Other people’s comments. I know I’m starting pretty much from scratch again. Don’t get me wrong, this time I have the knowledge but I know I need to adjust my own expectations of myself. When other people around you refer to what you used to be able to do and judge what your doing now against that it’s hard to not let it get to you. Yes I know my run was slower than it used to be, I don’t need you to point that out in a surprised voice thank you very much! It’s not meant in a bad way and people are just taking an interest but when you feel sensitive about something it’s hard to let things wash over you.
  3. When you first start a fitness journey people can be encouraging, it’s impressive you’ve just done that class or well done for trying that. When you’ve taught classes for years starting a new class as a participant or when you’ve run lots of races in the past signing up for a run doesn’t seem like it should be a good deal so you should just take it in your stride, but it’s actually pretty scary. You want these new achievements to be seen as achievements not in comparison to past achievements.
  4. Wanting to do things differently this time. Some of the things that got me to be as fit as I was were a bit excessive. I was too strict with food and over trained. I want to get fitter but I want to do it in a way that’s kinder to myself. That’s hard though when you know what could work achieve results quicker or you feel like you’re not a disciplined as you used to be.

It’s not all doom and gloom. I’ve found some classes where I can work hard at the level I’m currently at and I feel good for it and there are people out there who will remind you that you are still fit even if it’s not in the same way that you sued to be. I also know that a lot of the above can be ignored and is about how I perceive the situation.

My point is that this is also the case when you start a fitness journey but whereas we acknowledge how hard that can be, we don’t always think about the dips in our long term journeys once we are established in fitness.


Do you find your mood affects your fitness?

I think this is what I’ve really struggled with this week. I’m definitely a comfort eater, I struggle with binge eating, I’m definitely an emotional eater and I find it harder to commit to exercise when I’m stressed too, so this week I just haven’t done that well.

The difficult thing when that happens it’s putting it in the past and just moving on rather than letting it spiral on any longer. Last night I went and did a step and cycle class and felt so much better for it, and I’m trying to just eat better from today.

Motivation isn’t something you just have, it something you have to build from doing things and building momentum so I really need to start just doing things and rebuilding habits until I start to see results and that will be which fires that feeling of being motivated.

Some weeks are tougher than others

The last couple of weeks have been busy at work so I knew I’d struggle to do loads during this time.

I’ve managed to run a few times though and as soon as I was quieter at work I got myself back to classes and did a step and cycle class on Wednesday. Generally I’ve felt pretty lacking in motivation though so I’ve also skipped workouts I could have got myself to.

I’ve been eating a lot too, I really find the food side so much harder than exercising! I’ve also struggled to regularly stick to healthy habits which is something I need to be more consistent with.

It’s starting to get a bit lighter though now so I’m hoping that will lift my spirits a bit so I can get outside more. Not looking forward to this week much but hoping that I can at least get to the gym and eat a bit better so I can look back on the week and be happy with my progress.

Small Steps

So since my last blog post I’ve been to Malta.

One of my non fitness goals was to travel more so that was my first trip of the year. I stayed in St Paul’s Bay and visited Valletta, the Island of Gozo and the uninhabited Island of Comino. Whilst I was there I ate what I wanted but did do a fair number of steps and I used the hotel gym twice.

So I feel in terms of exercise I’m getting back on track, I can’t run as far or lift as heavy as I used to but I’m feeling goo about the positive habits. I even did my first Park Run of the year this weekend, a 39 minute 5km at Fletcher Moss in Didsbury (first time doing that one and it’s pretty), then I went a did a gym class after that!

I’m a bit gutted because I didn’t manage to get a place on the challenge I wanted at the end of the year but I’m going to keep aiming for it an it might have to be a start of 2025 completion for that.

I’m still struggling with my diet though, I’m eating better since I got back from Malta but still not quite in a calorie deficit. I have about 6 weeks until my next adventure so I need to see if I can sort this before then.

Have you ever considered sitting?

Bloganuary writing prompt
What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time?

So, I came on to write a blog post and saw this question and felt compelled to answer.

Now I’d always say something fitness related here. My hobbies tend to revolve around running, the gym, classes. If I’m not there I’d normally say spending time with people. Whether it’s drinks or food or a walk. Or maybe even travelling, in the last year I’ve really caught the bug.

But do you know what I really value now, time with nothing planned. Those days where you aren’t booked up or working through a huge jobs list. Those days where you can just chill, watch rubbish TV, read, nap, essentially just be.

It’s like there’s a stigma to answering the ‘what are you doing this weekend’ with ‘no plans’. Yes, if every weekends like that you’ll get a bit down, but life is pretty full on so the odd ‘nothing’ day isn’t a bad way of spending your time.